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Proud to be a part of
Children First Academy Trust

We thrive and achieve together.


In computing at Galliard our aim is to support children in becoming confident users of technology who have an understanding of how computers and the web work and have experience of using computational thinking to solve problems by writing programs.

We have a dedicated ICT Suite, laptops, iPads, Surface tablets and other accessories which all help to provide children with the chance to experience working with different devices. All classrooms are equipped with interactive touch displays which all help to enrich their learning experiences.

Computing is taught by class teachers and HLTAs and we use a curriculum called Teach Computing to support the teaching of the subject. Content is delivered through a variety of themed topics which ensures children are given the opportunity to develop a wide range of computing skills and apply these in a context. In lessons children follow the National Curriculum programme of study for computing. We group the subject content statements under three headings:

  • Digital Literacy; using IT purposefully, creatively and safely
  • Computer Science; developing computational thinking and programming skills,
  • Computers, Networks and the Web; understanding how computers, networks and the web function.

Click here for our overview

Click here to read the Early Years Curriculum Map

Click here for our progression map

Click here for more information about Online Safety

Click here for our Computing Curriculum Intent

What does Computing at Galliard look like?

Below are some examples of children’s work that demonstrates just some of the learning that takes place in their computing lessons.

Digital Literacy

In computing lessons children are taught how to use a range of different devices purposefully to find, create, save and edit information. In the first instance children learn how to do this in a computing lessons and then they can use these skills across the curriculum. For instance, Year 2 have been learning how to use a tablet to take photos, which they are now using in their topic lessons.

Children start by learning how to open documents, add data to them and then save them. Here are some Year 1 examples where children added text and then enhanced by using bold/italic and underline functions. Children also learn what the different keys on the keyboard do.

They also learn how to create digital documents. In Year 3 they learn how to create a digital magazine cover. They will start to add text and images to create their own pieces of work using desktop publishing software. Learners will look at a range of page layouts thinking carefully about the purpose of these and evaluate how and why desktop publishing is used in the real world. Below are some examples of their work.

Children are introduced to a variety of software throughout their time at Galliard and create animations, edit videos, manipulate images and much more. They develop confidence using a range of programs to create digital artefacts and can recognise how digital devices might play an important role in their futures.

Computers, Networks and the Web

In these computing lessons children learn about the main components in computers and how they process data. They investigate how input and output devices can control computers and the importance of the program files. The internet is such a huge part of everyday life and children learn not only how to use it, but how it works. They learn about networks and the internet and how it all connects together to provide the World Wide Web.

In year 4 children build their own computer networks (using each other as devices) they get into tables of different networks and use paper messages to pass to each other to understand how different computers on the same network can communicate then they pass messages to the other networks (other tables) to see how to join these networks together to create a representation of the internet.

They learn about routers and how we can communicate to other networks in different cities and even different countries. They also learn about online safety and why we need to keep our network safe.

Children investigate and learn how input and output devices work they then use this knowledge and skills and apply it to the programming units.

In year 5, children take their learning further by learning about computer systems and transferring data over the Internet. Children create an online project using Google Slides where they learnt how to work collaboratively  when not together. Below are some examples of their online projects.

Computer Science

In these lessons children learn how to write programs to solve problems. They understand that everything that happens on a computer has been programmed to happen and begin to develop a skillset which allows them to turn their own ideas into coded solutions. As we continue to develop our curriculum to push children’s understanding we are introducing more activities which challenge children to write programs which interact with the world around them and demonstrate the impact computer science has on our everyday lives, often without us realising.

In year 1 children begin to learn about instructions and writing a program. Children first get introduced to floor robots (Beebots) and learn about what robots can be programmed to do. They then move on to learning about directions,  language used and debugging. Children then move on to writing and checking programs for moving each other and then BeeBots from one place on another.

In Year 2 children carry on learning about programs and get introduced to the word algorithms and how they are programmed into digital devices. Again, they start with unplugged activities and then move on to programming Beebots.  First, to move from one place to another and then to design their own mat and algorithms the Beebot can use. They spend time thinking about stepping through their algorithms and breaking them down.

Children move on to investigating a range of computing concepts using Scratch. Below are some examples of the programs children write.

In year 3 children investigate sequence in programs. They create a series of programs and finish by making a representation of a piano.

                                 Year 2 Programming                                                                 Year 4 Programming